October 06, 2022


Christian Bale says he was the ‘mediator’ between Amy Adams and ‘abusive’ director

Christian Bale did what he felt was ‘appropriate’, it’s his nature to ‘sit down and talk’

By George Johnson October 06, 2022
Christian Bale says he was the ‘mediator’ between Amy Adams and ‘abusive’ director

Christian Bale intervened on behalf of Amy Adams.

Christian Bale claims that in addition to playing a major role in David O. Russell's 2013 film "American Hustle," he also acted as a "mediator" between the filmmaker and co-star Amy Adams.

In a cover article for GQ that was released on Wednesday, Bale, 48, said that the claims that he stepped in to help Adams during filming were accurate.

He spoke to his role in dramatizing the FBI's Abscam sting operation in the late 1970s and early 1980s, saying, “I did what I felt was appropriate, in very Irv style.”

“If I can understand where it’s coming from, then I do tend to attempt to be a mediator,” he continued.

“That’s just in my nature, to try to say, ‘Hey, come on, let’s go and sit down and figure that out. There’s gotta be a way of making this all work.'”

During the 2014 Sony Pictures hack, an email exchange between writer Jonathan Alter and his brother-in-law, former Sony CEO Michael Lynton, was exposed.

In the email, the former alleged that actor Russell, 64, "so abused" Adams on the set of the movie.

“His abuse and lunatic behavior are extreme even by Hollywood standards,” Alter wrote to Lynton.

Adams, 48, responded to the allegation in 2016 and called Russell's work ethic "crazy." The actress remembers the director "yelling" at her and making her weep practically every day in an interview with British GQ.