June 07, 2023


Justin Bieber's dad sparks outrage on internet with homophobic rhetoric

Jeremy Bieber does not share a good relationship with his son Justin Bieber

By Ellen James June 07, 2023
Justin Biebers dad sparks outrage on internet with homophobic rhetoric
Justin Bieber's dad sparks outrage on internet with homophobic rhetoric

Justin Bieber’s father has posted a homophobic message on his social media.

Jeremy Bieber took to Twitter to share a meme with a sarcastic caption over a rainbow flag, "Don’t forget to thank a straight person this month for your existence."

Despite the post being deleted shortly, fans were quick to rip Jeremy for his bigotry.

"No one’s thanking flop nepo daddies bye," one tweeted, with another advised, "You should sit back down real quick."

"don’t forget to thank your son cause he’s the reason your electricity hasn’t been shut off yet!" a third user quipped.

"Yes! thanks straight man, who left your woman at the time raising your child alone. You are definitely the best person to something about family, respect and love," another rebuked.

A few days prior, Jeremy, who has four children with three different women, expressed his unsolicited opinion on the significance of families.

"People need to celebrate families," he wrote on Twitter. "U know the reason we’re all here! The things this generation glorifies is unbelievable!"

The Yummy singer hasn’t been vocal about his support for the queer community himself, however, he did weigh on the phenomenon in an interview with Rolling Stone in 2011.

"It’s everyone’s own decision to do that," he said at the time. "It doesn’t affect me and shouldn’t affect anyone else."