Twitter to hand over POTUS account to Joe Biden on inauguration day

| Celebpost Desk |November 21, 2020

Twitter will hand over the presidential account to Joe Biden on inauguration day

Twitter announced to hand over presidential account to Joe Biden on inauguration day

After his historical win in the presidential election 2020, Joe Biden is set to take the biggest and most popular Twitter account in his hands.

On Friday, the social media giant Twitter has announced to hand over the presidential POTUS account to Joe Biden on inauguration day.

The US media reported on Friday, that president-elect Biden will be sworn in as the 46th president of the country and will take the official Twitter accountPOTUS account.

The account will then be reset to zero tweets and transferred to the arriving Biden in the White House.

While Biden is all prepared to enter the White House, President Donald Trump has still not accepted the results of the 2020 polls.

Twitter has been "actively preparing to support the transition of White House institutional Twitter accounts on January 20th, 2021," Twitter spokesperson Nick Pacilio told Politico via email. The handover will see all existing tweets on POTUS, as well as FLOTUS, VP and other official accounts, archived.

Trump used Twitter to help build his political brand and, later, wield the power of the presidency. Although he mainly uses his personal account, realDonaldTrump, whose 88 million followers overshadow POTUS's 32 million. On the other side, Biden has 19 million followers on the account.

Twitter has come under pressure a lot of times in the past to check the president's use of the site to spread misinformation and conspiracy theories over his presidential tenure.

Since the election, the company has slapped warning labels on many of Trump's tweets as he continued to insist, despite evidence to the contrary, that he won the vote, and called Biden's victory a massive fraud.

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