John Oliver almost ‘burst into tears’ after voting for the first time in US

| Celebpost Desk |November 04, 2020

John Oliver celebrates voting first time as a US citizen

John Oliver celebrates voting first time as a US citizen / Photo:ERIC LIEBOWITZ/HBO

British-American citizen, John Oliver says he ‘nearly burst into tears’ after voting for the first time in the US presidential election this year.

The Last Week Tonight host became an American citizen last year in December. Exercising his democratic right, Oliver celebrated his first time voting in the US election.

Making a virtual appearance on Steven Colbert’s The Late Show on Monday, the comedian said, “Standing in line I thought maybe this will be it and I didn't feel it. Giving them my name and getting the ballot, I didn't feel it. Scanning it into the machine and the machine saying 'Your vote has been counted,' I nearly burst into tears."

Talking of the challenges immigrants face, Oliver said that he was waiting for it to start ‘feeling real.’

“When you worry about your immigration status all the time and even getting your passport still doesn't feel real because you haven't tested it against a system,” he added.

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