Jimmy Kimmel slams Trump for celebrating Amy Coney Barrett’s appointment

| Celebpost Desk |October 28, 2020

Jimmy Kimmel called out the White house for celebrating Amy Barrett’s appointment, while completely ignoring the pandemic

Jimmy Kimmel mocked US President Donald Trump for holding a celebration event for Amy Coney Barrett’s confirmation to US supreme court. He called Trump out for dealing indifferently with the pandemic, and compared him to a Pharaoh who wants to be buried with his minions.

Kimmel condemned Supreme Court’s appointment of Amy Barrett, saying, "The court will now lean hard to the right possibly for generations to come, health care, women’s right, same sex marriage are all suddenly endangered."

Jimmy further emphasised that the confirmation celebration is not the only event he has held which could result in more new covid-19 cases, but even in his rallies most of his supporters often make do without a mask.

The late night show host further slammed Trump for his lack of concern and poked fun at his most used phrase ‘rounding the corner’. Kimmel sarcastically said that “maybe it’s time for Trump to retire as we have rounded so many corners that we are about to throw up."

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