Sam Smith’s body dysmorphia helped them understand their non-binary identity

| Melanie Aiden |October 23, 2020

Sam Smith learned to accept the reality of their non-binary identity through past body dysmorphic struggles

Sam Smith’s body dysmorphia helped them understand their non-binary identity

Sam Smith is a non-binary singer and songwriter who goes by the pronouns ‘they’ and ‘them’. Their decade long body dysmorphic struggles, helped the singer finally come to terms with their gender identity.

During an interview with The Sunday Times the singer spoke at length about their struggles with body image and was even quoted saying, “For me, what triggered everything was the work I was doing with my body issues. I always had body dysmorphia. As I started to address that, I started to address my gender and realized that I was holding myself to these ideals of how a man should look."

“As I looked into it, I did therapy, I realized there was more to it. I have girl’s thighs and I have girl breasts too. It started to awaken this conversation that had always been in the back of my mind.”

Despite struggling with body image, Smith never had a problem loosing or gaining a couple of pounds, "I can lose weight, I can put weight on quickly, I am a shape-shifter.”

In the end it turned out to be fame that Smith had the hardest time getting used to, “Fame means I can get certain messages across, which is a wonderful thing … but it’s very invasive. I was 21 when fame happened and my whole world changed. I didn’t realize how much of a homebody I was and how much I loved my privacy."

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