US Election 2020: Reese Witherspoon urges Americans to vote early

| Jean Valjean |October 19, 2020

Reese, as well, complemented a precise yet impactful caption with the video: “Get out and vote.”

Reese Witherspoon has already exercised her right to vote and is encouraging her followers to do the same.

The actress shared a flashy wheeling clip with her followers on Instagram this Sunday with a powerful message for all the voters out there.

The writing in the video said, “SOMEONE STRUGGLED FOR YOUR RIGHT TO VOTE, USE IT”. The video ended with a “YOU VOTE" message highlighted in pink.

Reese, as well, complemented a precise yet impactful caption with the video: “Get out and vote.”

The actress tagged the famous Jenn Holzer Studio and journalist turned photographer Tabitha Soren for the video credits and creativity.

The video grabbed the attention of more than 400,000 people and was really appreciated by her followers

US presidential elections are scheduled for November 3, 2020, and many citizens have termed them to be revolutionary in the history of the country.

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