Jennifer Lopez talks to Joe Biden about the issues Latino community faces ahead of US election 2020

| Madison Raymond |October 18, 2020

Jennifer Lopez talked about how Latinos are 3 times at more risk of getting infected by COVID

Jennifer Lopez talks to Joe Biden about the issues Latino community faces ahead of US election 2020

Jennifer Lopez is speaking for all Latinos in America in the upcoming US election 2020.

In a recent interview with the presidential candidate, Joe Biden, along with wife Dr. Jill Biden, Jennifer and partner Alex Rodriguez highlighted some key issues that have been faced by the Latino community during the Trump administration and especially after the novel coronavirus.

The singer took a short video of this interview to her Instagram handle and shared it with millions of her followers.

Addressing her fellow Latinos, Jennifer wrote: “To my Latinos, we’re more powerful together... join me in getting loud.”

The interview talked about how Latinos are 3 times at more risk of getting infected by COVID. Many of her people have also lost their jobs and businesses during the global pandemic and the damage is now beyond repair.

Jennifer is really concerned about the future of her people and asked Joe Biden about his plan for them. She specifically highlighted that she is worried for her children and does not want them to grow up in a country where racism is considered ‘okay.’

While sharing this video, the singer also made sure to encourage all of her fellow Latinos to go and vote this election because every vote counts more than ever

“Your voice is your vote. What is your voting plan?” wrote Jennifer.

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