Taylor Swift Fans Find Signs of Queerness in New Album, Midnights

| Maryland Hargreaves |September 05, 2022

Taylor Swift fans no more thinks that she is straight, Read full story at The Celeb Post.

Taylor Swift dropping some major hints with her new album, Midnights, fans think

Taylor Swift Fans No More Thinks That She is Straight

The theme of the latest Taylor Swift video albumis centered on music that was created at night and deals with worry, fears, and other issues that prevent you from getting a good night's sleep.

Swift asked her fans to meet her at midnight and referred to the album as "stories of 13 sleepless nights" throughout her life. This prompted fans to scramble to find all the hints leading up to the announcement they had missed.

#Gaylor is a stan that endures year after year. Many of Taylor Alison Swift's followers think she is secretly gay, and this group is steadily rising. And now that they've seen the idea for Midnights, they're confident that this might be the record where she finally tells the world about it.

For her advocacy, Swift, a longtime and outspoken LGBTQ ally, received a GLAAD award. Yet for some tiny pockets of her following, #Gaylor has remained a steadfast theory.

The supposed connection and subsequent separation between the pop star and Glee alum Diana Agron appear to be where the notion got its start.

When Agron and Swift were sighted out together and at birthday celebrations, the rumours about their relationship became so widely circulated that Agron was asked by Jimmy Kimmel if she was dating Swift during an appearance on his late-night programme in 2012. "No, but wouldn't that be juicy," she retorted before addressing Taylor swiftly and giving a kiss into the camera.

Fans connected Agron's Alice in Wonderland-themed tattoo to lyrics from the song "Wonderland" after 1989 was released.

Now it’s Midnights turn. The most popular theory is based on videos of Swift singing her 2017 song New Year's Day.

The song contains the lyrics, "But I stay when you’re lost and I’m scared and you’re turning away/I want your midnights."

Fans are concentrating on live videos of the song's performance, where they assert that Swift is using the phrase "I want her midnights," in addition to the song's many subtly implied references to clocks, which depicts lovers who remain together even after the party ends when the clock strikes midnight.

Putting aside the pronoun debate, fans have also noted that this song fits the mood of recent promotional material, in which Taylor sings about self-imprisonment and errors that might either seal her fate or lead her to self-discovery.

"We lie awake in love and in fear, in turmoil and in tears," she stated in her album announcement.

"We stare at walls and drink until they speak back. We twist in our self-made cages and pray that we aren’t — right in this minute — about to make some fate altering mistake."

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