Prince Harry's memoir aims to 'settle Princess Diana's score'

| Jean Valjean |August 13, 2022

Royals are nervous that Prince Harry might use his memoir to clean the air of feud and 'settle Princess Diana's score'

Prince Harry plans to use his memoir to settle Diana's old feud with Camilla.

The Royal Firm was reportedly concerned that Prince Harry's memoir would likely attempt to settle Princess Diana's score and wreak revenge on Duchess Camilla.

This admonition was delivered by royal author Richard Kay in one of his new Daily Mail news columns.

He preached the "considerable anxiety in Buckingham Palace circles" over the chance of Prince Harry utilising it to “settle perceived scores with family members and senior courtiers."

He even claimed that some of them were "nervous" about Prince Harry's behavior toward stepmother Duchess Camilla, partly since she was still accused of the "collapse" of Diana and Charles' wedding.

This revelation comes after Mr Kay conversed with a friend of the late Princess and learned about Prince Harry's strained relationship with Camilla.

According to the fellow, "it was pretty clear that he did not have a high opinion" of his stepmother."

"He wasn't very complimentary about her and, I very much doubt, he forgot what we talked about that day."

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