Midler goes full Rowling: Bette Midler in hot water after transphobic tweet

| George Johnson |July 05, 2022

Bette Midler says trans-inclusive language erases women

Betta Midler has sparked up a heated debate online after suggesting women are slowly being erased as gender-neutral terms become increasingly common.

The 76-year-old gay icon tweeted on July 4, “WOMEN OF THE WORLD! We are being stripped of our rights over our bodies, our lives and even of our name!” She then added, “They don’t call us “women” anymore; they call us “birthing people” or “menstruators”, and even “people with vaginas”! Don’t let them erase you! Every human on earth owes you!”

Many trans supporters have since then accused the actress of being transphobic drawing resemblance with the infamous author of the Harry Potter book series, J.K Rowling.

"Midler goes full Rowling," wrote journalist Jon Levine.

"With all due respect, Bette, trans-inclusive language doesn't take anything away from us," author Julie DiCaro wrote in response.

However, not all the response was in a negative light. A lot of renowned personalities spoke up in support of Midler.

"Such an awesome post! Yyyeeesssss! Every person in the world owes a woman their life! Not a chest-feeder, not a uterus carrier, not a birthing person but a woman!" author and psychologist Dr. Pam Spurr sent praise Midler's way.

The backlash continued from some though. Roxane Gay, author of the Bad Feminist essays told Midler: "No one is trying to erase women with inclusive language about people who need abortion care. No one is calling you anything but what you prefer. You should extend that courtesy in return."

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