Guardians of the Galaxy holiday special will not be that long

| Jean Valjean |June 27, 2022

Guardians of the Galaxy holiday release may not be as lengthy as expected

Guardians of the Galaxy holiday special will not be that long

The Guardians of the Galaxy holiday special will not be longer than 40 minutes.

In a conversation with Collider, Gunn disclosed that the canon spin-off Holiday Special will be less than 40 minutes long and that it will film concurrently with Vol. 3.

Many fans have questioned if the holiday special will be as long as the 2-hour Star Wars holiday special television film or just as short as a 20-minute TV episode. It appears to be in the ideal situation where it becomes a glorified Marvel One-Shot.

It's good to know that Gunn also mentioned that the movie will employ the same settings as Vol. 3. Overall, Gunn provided a wonderful update on the spin-off, which seems like a gift from the MCU gods.

We will join up with the cosmic crew sometime after the events of Thor: Love and Thunder and Vol. 3 in Marvel Studios' upcoming The Guardians of the Galaxy Holiday Special. Some people are interested to see how the stories relate given that this special connects to both of those movies.

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