Spiderhead was filmed in a ‘prison in Big Sur that was a Spa’

| George Johnson |June 23, 2022

Spiderhead, most of the scenes take place in a prison that does not look like a one

Spiderhead was filmed in a ‘prison in Big Sur that was a Spa’

Spiderhead, a Chris Hemsworth Netflix movie is substantially smaller and more constrained than Director Joseph Kosinski's Air Force action thriller, Top Gun: Maverick.

As Hemsworth, Miles Teller, and Jurnee Smollett wander these dark, concrete passageways for an hour and a half, Spiderhead is downright cramped.

The gorgeous exterior scenes you see were shot on the Whitsunday Islands for the Spiderhead movie, which was filmed in Queensland, Australia. However, the great portion of the film is set in the huge jail set, which was built inside a sports arena that had been closed down due to.

“We had to know every millimeter of the design to a T going into the process because we had no idea where we were going to be due to COVID,” said the production designer Jeremy Hindle.

He continued, “We could’ve shot it on the moon if we had to! We knew exactly what we were doing the minute we landed in Australia.”

Reflecting on the ideas of the design, the director Kionski said, “What would a prison look like in Big Sur that was actually a spa?”

He added, “I wanted the place to feel calm. I wanted natural light pouring in through the skylights. I wanted it to feel very ordered, but not overly constrictive.”

“I like that Abnesti has a really good sense of design taste. All of the furnishings are bespoke and very specific because I wanted to contrast what’s really happening in this place.” Kionski further added.

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