Pokimane, Kevin Kim's 'relationship' taken to new heights with alleged 'contract'

| Betty Cruise |May 15, 2022

Pokimane and Kevin Kim are said to be dating but both have neither confirmed nor denied their romance

Pokimane and Kevin Kim’s speculated romance has been rife and now it has reached new heights following a new "contract" stating he will be on-stream more often.

Their romance was first hinted when Pokimane had Kevin as a surprise guest on her stream.

While she has neither confirmed nor denied the relationship she did say: "I feel like it’s weird to talk about stuff like that. Imagine if a reporter came and forcibly asked who your crush is. It’s a weird thing to talk about publicly."

However, talks fueled even more when Pokimane revealed a mysterious 'contract' between her and Kevin.

The contract in question reads: "Party A, Kevin Kim, hereby enters a contract with Party B, Imane Anys, under the following terms: 1. Once-a-month cooking streams, and 2. Bi-monthly stream support. These terms must be fulfilled within a 30-day calendar month."

Though this does not confirm anything fans are convinced that it is an "obvious sign" that they’re dating and that the alleged couple is bound "for life".

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