Priyanka Chopra reveals what was it like touring with Nick Jonas

| Samantha David |October 08, 2021

Priyanka Chopra: ‘It's like a home on wheels and I actually slept like a baby’

Priyanka Chopra reveals what was it like touring with Nick Jonas

On Victoria’s Secret podcast called VS Voices, Bollywood actor Priyanka Chopra shared her experience of touring with husband Nick Jonas.

The 39-year-old said, “I do love a tour bus, I'm used to being in trailers that don't move, right? As an actor ... you're not supposed to sleep in a trailer, eat in a trailer.”

She continued, “Like, I only know that you do that on a road trip, not when you're working and have to wake up and do your job.”

Chopra added, "But my husband was convincing and we did it in Europe and I was like, 'This ... is so amazing’.”

The actor concluded, “It's like a home on wheels and I actually slept like a baby. I felt like I rocked to sleep."

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