Jennifer Aniston urges fans to embrace healthy living

| Samantha David |September 20, 2021

Jennifer Aniston: ‘we can be vital and we can be thriving in our older years’

Jennifer Aniston urges fans to embrace healthy living

Jennifer Aniston sat down for an interview with E! and stressed on importance of healthy lifestyle which can be beneficial for people in their older years.

The 52-year-old shared, "My mom was a big health junkie. When I was a kid, I didn't get any of the fun Froot Loops or Captain Crunches or Wonder Breads. I was wheat germ and oatmeal, every kind of sprouted anything. My mom was always very health conscious and she did yoga, and so I grew up in it.”

The Friends alum went on, "My sort of teenage rebellion was eating bad food. All of a sudden, I was having whatever I wanted. I was having Fruity Pebbles! Then I started to notice such a significant change in the way I felt. I was exhausted, I was grumpy, my skin was awful, my body changed and I just didn't like how I felt.”

However, after visiting her nutritionist she decided to adopt a healthy lifestyle.

Aniston stated, “I was so young and dumb. I was like,' Oh, so my mom was doing a good thing!' I just thought she was nuts.”

She added, "Universally, we're all going to grow up and get old. You can't deny that, that is a guarantee. But we can be vital and we can be thriving in our older years. Our society loves to say, 'Oh, you're this age, now you go downhill. And now you go off to pasture and that's it, buh-bye. You're no longer valuable or useful to society.' And that's just so wrong. I just think that's just wrong.”

The actor further added, "It's not just nutritional, it's emotional, it's spiritual. Be really mindful about what you put into your ears, your eyes, what you intake, the social media that you put in, the news. It's very, very, very, very crucial to our well-being.”

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