Elizabeth Olsen reveals why she has steered clear of social media

| Jean Valjean |February 20, 2021

Elizabeth Olsen made sure that her path was carved out away from her sisters’

Elizabeth Olsen made sure that her path was carved out away from her sisters’

American actor Elizabeth Olsen wore her heart on her sleeve about career and whether or not she believes nepotism exists in society.

Being the sister of ‘90s and ‘00s child icons Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen, the Wanda Vision star certainly reaped the benefits of their fame but always wanted to do things on her own.

In an interview with Grazia magazine, the Avengers: Endgame star revealed how after studying acting from New York University’s Tisch School of the Arts, she made sure that her path was carved out away from her sisters’.

“Nepotism is a thing and I’m very aware of it. And of course, I’ve always wanted to do it alone,” she said.

She went on to talk about her decision of not having social media after initially dipping her feet on Instagram.

“It has to be a personal decision, right? So, my opinion has nothing to do with what anyone else does or doesn’t do with it,” she said.

She further revealed why she stopped using Instagram after trying it out in 2017 when she played a social media influencer in Ingrid Goes West.

“I had never touched it before. I thought, ‘This is an interesting social experiment for myself, to see if it is a good source to talk about charities or a good source to talk about small projects, or to share something goofier about myself.’ But I think at the end of the day, what I discovered was one, I’m really bad at creating a perceived identity!” she said.

“I didn’t find it very organic to who I am as a person. I found some joy in putting up silly videos, but I think the main reason I stopped—not I think, I know the main reason why I stopped—was because of the organization in my brain,” she added.

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